Thursday, December 9, 2010

2010 in snippets

Exactly a year ago, I was in the hospital in San Diego, very sick and very scared. 2010 was completely improvised: taking time off of kayaking to recover, moving home, starting to train again, and going back to school. With all the challenges and setbacks, it's hard not to think of the past year in terms of all the things that went wrong.

But- as cheesy as this sounds- check out the snippets I wrote during the year.

It's pretty obvious that 2010 was phenomenal. There was nothing easy about it, but there was nothing unfortunate about it, either. It's clear to me that I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Thanks, 2010, for kicking my as$ but leaving me undeniably happy, healthy, and smiling from ear to ear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2010 inspired me in more ways than you could imagine. Reading your posts and all that you went through and you were still able to joke, smile, stay positive and beautiful through it all made it one of the most enlightening and inspirational years for me to learn and grow. You made me a stronger, better person to have known what you went through and how you dealt with those challenges in the way you did.
Hugs to you and hoping you have a wonderful and blessed new year!
I see Hawai'i in your future