Friday, September 10, 2010

You'd think I'd never worked out a day in my life!

I am sore this week. Not just a little sore... but extremely sore. The kind of sore where your face is permanently fixed in a grimace, your stomach is nauseous, you don't feel like eating anything, no amount of water satiates your thirst, you can't sleep at night, you can't walk up stairs- or walk in general, and you gained 2 pounds of weight for a few days just due to all the crap and waste hanging around in your body.

Thank you, Crossfit Rochester. I've done a lot of hard workouts in my life, but I can't recall ever feeling as awful as the morning after I did 3x (30 wall-balls and 30 full snatches). So obviously, I'm ecstatic. My weights program is working! I'm a believer! I drank the kool-aid!

I was admittedly skeptical for a long time before I tried crossfit this summer; but resistance proved futile. I became hooked after the first workout. No lifting program I've ever done compares to the full-body ass-kicking I get 4 days a week at the crossfit gym. Visit and come work out with me before dawn!!

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