I went up to Lake Placid this weekend with Justin for hiking and camping. Now, let me tell you my rationale for thinking it'd be cool to camp in the Adirondaks in October. (Get it!? Cool??) Last week, I slept with my bedroom window open by mistake. When I woke up, it was 40 degrees in my room. So I figured, hey, that was cold, but it wasn't TOO cold. So sleeping outside in a tent should be no problem.
But of course, if that were the case I wouldn't have a great reason to write this blog post. It was FREEZING. We even had mummy bags that supposedly go down below twenty degrees, and it was still miserable. All night I alternated between burrowing deep into my sleeping bag (until I could no longer breathe) and coming up for air with my head protruding from the mummy part of the bag (until my nose turned into ice).
After a fitful night we went into town for breakfast and were told that it'd gotten down to twenty degrees. Woo hoo! I did secretly love it, though. Next time I'll be more prepared. Maybe invest in a better tent.
The hiking, however, was phenomenal! We went up Avalanche Pass and to Lake Colden (we think?) We weren't really sure where we were, and a pair of park rangers were making fun of a woman who'd asked them the same question, so we kept our mouths shut and just hiked. It was fun!
Marcy Dam
Justin spotted this grouse and got super excited (the Tetlows are serious bird people).
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