Hello, internets! Nice to see you again. For 2013, I am giving you a requiste catch-up post of the last 5 months. Life has been crazy/awesome/sad/stressful! I completed my penultimate semester of school (school=barf), got a gorgeous puppy with Matt, set some PRs, lots of fun with friends, lots of crossfit, helped host Thanksgiving, and then went through a mutual (but nevertheless sad) ending of my relationship. Breakups suck. But school kept me busy pulling my hair out and screaming. Not to mention as I was studying for finals I also had to find a new place to live, deal with bronchitis (that is still going strong after 9 weeks and 2 rounds of antibiotics!), work, start a new [winter] job, deal with a minor but annoying knee injury, and get ready for the holidays. Yikes, when I write it all down like that, I honestly have no idea how I managed to make it to 2013. One thing is for sure: when it rains it pours. And life is finally starting to calm down a bit. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
We adopted Stanley at the end of August from Pitty Love Rescue, an amazing pit-bull rescue in Rochester, NY. |
I competed in Voodoo Fitness's Pump and Run, which is the coolest concept ever. After a weigh-in, you perform max number of reps on bench press at a percentage of your body weight. Each rep counts for 30 seconds off of your finishing time for a 5k, which you run the following morning. I love bench pressing. I wish all 5ks had a bench press element. |
This is little Stanley, doing the two things he does best since the day we adopted him. . . snuggle, and sleep! |
I wasted no time in getting Stanley out in my canoe. He did pretty well, although he was more interested in trying to drink the creek water than staying still. |
In early September, I competed with Jess at the Triathawod, which was fun except for the running part (and the lack of bench pressing). |
In early October, I competed in a 5k kayak race at the Erie Canal Boat Company, and afterwards swapped my sprint boat for the most bathtub-esque kayak available so I could take Stanley!! My relatives were visiting from Chicago, so my cousin got to go out too. |
Stanley was amazing in the kayak. After a few minutes he laid on my lap and went to sleep. No kidding. |
In October I participated in Kalsu for a Cause at Crossfit Boomtown, which was the breast cancer fundraiser we subbed for Barbells for Boobs this year. It was a much harder workout, mostly because my baby kayaking legs can't handle 95-pound thrusters. I think I embarrassed myself. |
Here are all the dumb books I read this semester. You know where I put them? In a box that I won't open for a very, very long time. Fair warning: my bitterness gets worse every semester. Sorry for not being sorry. |
To my delight, Stanley LOVES the snow! We got a storm on my birthday that delivered 18 inches of glorious powder. The only thing better than snow= a puppy going berserk experiencing snow for the first time!
I found Rich Froning at Crossfit Rochester!! I thought it was Andrew. . . but then when I saw the back of his shirt I realized it was indeed the legendary Froning. Crazy town! |
I finally got my muscle-ups to the point where I can do more than 1 per day. Woohoo, that only took 7 months! |
Love love love this photo of Stanley. . . thanks for the antlers, Adrienne! |
I am, of course, a Christmas baby (almost). This year in lieu of a cake I did sushi. Which is extra awesome since my family doesn't even like sushi. Win!
Julie and I planned a CrossFit kids party at the gym, which was a great success. . . Santa even made an appearance! |
Family Christmas photo 2013 |
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